
Monday 28 August 2017

2017 Staff Appreciation Week

Dear Students,

This week, the Peer Support Board will organise the Staff Appreciation Week (SAW). The theme for 2017 SAW is "Together, One SST"; it is a platform through which the SST community comes together as one to express our gratitude for the staff of the school.

If you have not submitted your entry for the SST Sayat.chers event, do drop by our booth in the canteen near the elevator during your recess on Monday (28 Aug).

The week-long celebration will culminate on Wednesday (30 Aug), and no lessons will be held on that day. Students are to report to school as usual in school uniform. The programme for the day will be as follows:

Programme for Wed (30 Aug 2017)
07:40 - 07:50National SymbolsMPH
07:50 - 09:00Staff Appreciation ConcertMPH
09:00 - 09:30RecessCanteen
09:30 - 10:15Class Games with PSBClassrooms
10:15 - 10:30Clean-up and DismissalClassrooms

We look forward to a meaningful and memorable week as the end of the term approaches.