
Monday 3 June 2019

The New York Times' Asia-Pacific Writing Competition 2019

Dear Students,

To engage yourselves during the upcoming holidays, consider submitting an entry for the Asia-Pacific Writing Competition 2019, organised by the New York Times (NYT).

You are asked to write a 500-word opinion piece responding to the prompt, In an age where unpredictability is the new constant, what can you, the younger generation, do now to shape the future?

All participants will get a complimentary four-week digital subscription to NYTimes.com. Winners will get your writing published in the NYT (International Edition), in addition to obtaining a trophy and a gift voucher. The submission deadline is Aug 31, 2019.
Click HERE for fuller details.

For clarifications, please email Mr Perdana Pan at pan_ping_rui_perdana@sst.edu.sg.

Thank you.