
Thursday 11 April 2024

2024 #SSTGreenChallenge | An #ACEarth Month initiative

Dear SST Family, 

Thinking of how to contribute to the environment this earth month but just don’t know what to do? Well, #SSTGreenChallenge is the event for you!

#SSTGreenChallenge is a competition organised by #SST-ACTvocates, to encourage SSTudents and SSTaff to play their part for the environment while inspiring others to advocate through social media platforms like Instagram.

2024 Theme: Planet vs Plastics

In conjunction with Earth Day falling on 22 April, this year's challenge theme is “Planet vs Plastics”. 

Two ways you can participate:


  1. Take a photo/video of yourself replacing a single-use plastic item with a reusable item (eg. using a tote bag instead of a plastic bag)

  2. Write a unique caption explaining why you chose to replace this item

  3. Submit to this Google Form to earn house points!


  1. Take a photo/video of your artwork/poster

  2. Write a unique caption explaining your poster and how you made it

  3. Your poster should include:

    1. Your #PlasticDetox journey

    2. Why you chose to replace this plastic

  4. Submit to the Google Form to earn house points!

*You should do the #PlasticDetox@SST before you make your artwork/poster

*Extra points are awarded if you do this challenge as well

Bonus points if you:

  1. Post your picture/video/artwork on your Instagram

  2. Follow @sstactvocates and include competition hashtags (#SSTGreenChallenge & #ACEarthMonth)

  3. Include your house hashtag, tag your house (eg. #SSTGreenHouse

Top 5 entries stand to win attractive prizes, all participants will earn house points

The deadline for submission is T2W6 30 April Tuesday, 10pm.

Winners will be contacted via email

Rules and Guidelines for entries

  1. Entry submission account must be set to 'Public'.

  2. Do tag @sstactvocates and use the hashtag #ACEarthMonth and #SSTGreenChallenge 

  3. No inappropriate words/poses in the caption/photo

  4. Captions

  5. Video requirements:

    1. Minimum time of 30 seconds, and maximum 3 minutes

    2. Audio quality should be clear 

    3. Voice (if you have) and words are clear and loud (can be heard)

    4. If (background) music is used, there should be no profanities/ inappropriate language 

  6. Any post that does not abide by the rules and guidelines will not be considered.



How related is the photo/video related to this year’s theme, “Invest in our planet”, and the competition


How creative is the post in expressing its message and 


How effective are the post and captions in presenting their message?

[The #SST-Actvocates team reserves all rights to amend and modify the competition rules without prior notice. Should disputes arise from the competition rules, submission, results or any other matters concerning the #ACEarth Month Competition, the decision by the #SST-Actvocates team is final and binding.]

#SSTGreenChallenge is a fun and exciting competition for you to invest in our planet and encourage others to do the same. So, what are you waiting for? Join the challenge now!

An #ACEarth Month initiative by #SST-ACTvocates, ACE Committee