
Monday 20 May 2024

Introducing SST Commentaries and Call for Term 3 2024 Commentaries

Dear SSTudent,

The SST Humanities Department would like to introduce to you the roll out of the Commentaries Website (link). A website where we will post a curated collection of write-ups by SST students in regard to various contemporary issues.

As part of this roll-out, we are also putting out a call to all Secondary 1 to 3 SST students to submit their write-ups for Term 3. Each write-up should be no more than 250 words. The best submissions will be published online for the SST family to appreciate your insight. Further details are below:

Theme for Term 3 2024: Should schools transition to a 4 day work week?
Submission deadline: 21 June 2024 (last Friday of the June Holiday)

Submission link: https://forms.gle/UWExBgvtw7uqrAzX6 

We look forward to reading your wonderful submissions.

If you have any questions, contact Mr Dominic Ow: ow_chee_kwong_dominic@sst.edu.sg

Mr Dominic Ow
On behalf of the SST Humanities Department