Tuesday 7 June 2022

GenerationTech (for female students only)

 Dear Students,

J.P. Morgan, in collaboration with SG Women in Tech, is hosting GenerationTech - a 3-week design-based technology challenge where female secondary school students work in teams to design a solution for a U.N. Sustainable Development Goal.

They will learn new transferable hard and soft skillsets such as teamwork, communication, technology, design and presentation skills. Students will be supported by technologists from J.P. Morgan to leverage digital tools to address a social challenge.

The dates are Friday Jul 15 – Friday, Aug 5.

There are limited places available. If you are interested, please email Mr Lam Hin Chew (lam_hin_chew@sst.edu.sg) for more details. 

Thank you.

Mr Lam Hin Chew

HOD Sports and Wellness