Acceptable Use Policy
Document: AUP2024-2
Computers support and enhance learning. Internet access allows users to share resources, innovations and experiences and interact with people worldwide. This policy is intended to prescribe the appropriate behaviour and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources by users in an effective, ethical and lawful manner.
This policy applies to using the ICT resources owned and managed by SST and those brought in for use by users. ICT resources include computer accounts, servers, disk storage, software, email, public folders, networks and the Internet. All users are to comply with this Policy.
General Policy
1. Users shall use the ICT resources according to their provided purpose for administrative, teaching and learning activities in SST.
2. Users shall not engage in any activities relating to the use of the ICT resources that will violate the laws of Singapore, in particular (but not limited to) the Computer Misuse and Cybersecurity Act (Cap 50A, available at as may be amended from time to time. Some examples of such illegal uses are:
(i) Downloading, distribution, sharing or storing of seditious, obscene or pornographic materials;
(ii) Infringement of any copyright and intellectual property right.
3. Users shall use only software that meets legal requirements, such as having valid licences.
4. Users shall not use, modify or adapt ICT resources for commercial purposes or financial gains.
5. Users shall immediately report any violations or suspected violations of laws or policies and any loopholes or potential loopholes in the security of ICT resources to the ICT Department.
Account UserIDs and Passwords
6. Users shall be responsible and accountable for all activities conducted via their accounts.
7. Users shall not reveal their login user IDs and passwords (to any school system) assigned to them.
8. Users should change the temporary or issued password at the first log-on. They shall change their passwords regularly to prevent break-ins and whenever there is any indication of possible system or password compromise. They are strongly encouraged to activate the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) feature in their email accounts.
9. Users shall not use the user account for any illegal activities. These include making unauthorised attempts to access any account not belonging to them, hacking into computer systems, spreading computer viruses or sending undesirable materials.
Computer System and Electronic Storage Media
10. Users shall protect their systems before connecting to SST’s network.
(i) An up-to-date anti-virus software is installed and activated;
(ii) A personal firewall is installed and activated;
(iii) The latest software security patches have been installed.
11. Users shall not place their computer and portable electronic storage media near an external window or public access area where it could be subjected to physical theft.
12. Users shall not leave their computers and portable electronic storage media unattended. If it is not possible, the computer shall be securely locked away when not in use or secured with a cable lock by attaching it to something immovable.
When Travelling
13. Users shall hand-carry their computer and portable electronic storage when travelling overseas. These shall not be checked in as check-in luggage.
14. When clearing customs, users shall hold onto their computer and electronic storage device until the person in front has gone through the metal detector. They shall continue to keep an eye on them when they go through the X-ray belt and emerge on the other side of the scanner.
Email/Messenger Usage
15. Users shall not transmit libellous, slanderous, defamatory in nature, threatening or abusive messages or any messages that may be reasonably construed as such.
16. Users shall not forward messages containing general appeals or warnings like ‘virus warnings’ and ‘request for help’ by mass mail or otherwise.
17. Users shall not forge the identity of or impersonate another person in an email.
18. Users shall not knowingly transmit by email/message any harmful or malicious content (e.g. viruses) or any other content or material that may otherwise violate Singapore’s civil and criminal laws.
19. Users shall not flood an individual, group or email system with numerous or large emails.
Internet Access, Usage and Social Networking
20. Users shall be discerning when accessing websites. They shall avoid websites of unknown or disreputable origin.
21. Users shall be responsible for all content they upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available via the school network.
22. Users shall not upload or download, send or post, enter or publish any content to the Internet that is objectionable or illegal under the Singapore Law.
23. Users shall not upload or download, send or post, enter or publish any content to the Internet that is against the public interest, public order, national interest, racial and religious harmony, or which offends good taste or decency or is otherwise indecent, obscene, pornographic or defamatory.
24. Users shall not upload or download, send or post, enter or publish any content to the Internet that is confidential, distasteful or prejudicial to the school’s good name.
25. Users shall be mindful of the public nature of the Internet and shall not discuss or disclose confidential and proprietary information of SST or any organisation.
26. Users shall respect staff and students and their privacy rights.
27. Users shall be mindful of the need to protect their privacy.
Network Connection
28. Users shall not install and operate their wireless Access Points emulating or interrupting the performance of the school’s network infrastructure wireless access points.
29. Users shall not attempt to monitor another user’s data communications nor access, read, copy, change or delete another person’s files or software without authorisation.
30. Users shall not install or use diagnostic and/or vulnerability scanning tools on SST’s network under any circumstances, as such tools may be used to compromise the security of the network.
31. Users shall not indiscriminately issue search instructions and download data manually or via automated intelligent agents that may potentially consume large amounts of network/ Internet bandwidth and ICT resources, which may degrade the network performance.
32. In the event that the situation poses an immediate security threat to the ICT resources or other external systems, SST may disconnect the user’s computer or ICT equipment from the school’s network and/or disable the user account for further pending actions and notify the user accordingly.
Use of AI tools and AI-enabled Platforms
33. Users shall only use AI to support their learning and will follow the school rules and teachers' instructions on when and how to use AI on assignments.
34. Users shall use AI tools responsibly and will not use AI in a way that could harm themselves or others.
35. Users shall not share personal or confidential information with an AI tool.
36. Users shall review work produced by an AI tool for mistakes when using such tools and shall be responsible for any errors found in any work they submit.
37. Users shall be honest about when they use AI to help with assignments, homework and performance tasks, both graded and ungraded, and will not turn in work that is fully created by an AI as their own. Users shall cite the AI tools they have used in their work, using a suitable format where required.
38. Users shall check with their teachers when unsure about what is acceptable regarding the use of AI.
Failure to adhere to the policy and guidelines above may result in the suspension or revocation of the user account. In severe cases, students may also face disciplinary action in school and/or prosecution in the court of law if he/she uses his/her account for illegal purposes.