Thursday 23 October 2014

School Parent Meeting cum Celebration of Learning (24 Oct 2014) - Final Information for Students

Dear S1/2/3 students,

Kindly note the information for tomorrow's event, SPM cum COL.


  1. Attire: School Uniform
  2. Parent-Form Teacher Conference
    • All students are required to accompany their parents when their parents meet up with their form teachers.
  3. Celebration of Learning
    • Students who have submitted posters for printing are to collect them from Mrs Laura Ng outside the staffroom tomorrow at 7.30am.
    • All students on duty for Celebration of Learning must report 15 minutes ahead of your rostered time.
    • 1st shift students to report to your respective venues to man the displays.
    • The rest of the students to report based on your rostered duty.
    • During off-duty time, please visit the other exhibits across the school.
    • Do remember to smile and be polite. :)
    • Chair and Vice-chairs to explain Parents’ Participation task to parents.
    • Take your time to present your exhibit to your parents.
    • Each exhibit must not be left unattended.
    • Class Exco Members -  Pls manage the attendance and ensure that there are enough students at the venues.
    • Please take care of your belongings at all times. You may want to keep all your belongings in your locker. However,you will need to remember to remove all items from the locker by the end of tomorrow. The lockers will be serviced by vendors during the holidays.
    • Please ensure that the rooms are cleaned and tidied up before you are dismissed. Class Chair and Vice-chair, please take charge. Do not throw your artifacts around, store them away safely for future use, such as with the Open House.
   4. Food

    • The canteen will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

      Thank you. We hope that you will have an enjoyable time tomorrow! :)