Monday 20 April 2015

S.U.R.E Specialist by NLB (Info Hub Programme)

Dear Students,

Come and be a SURE Specialist by completing 10 tasks* (Info/Media Literacy Skills)and you can even use this for your NYAA Skills component**. Members need to only attend an introductory workshop conducted by NLB in SST Info Hub (Date to be confirmed, but should be after SA1). After the workshop, you can work at your own pace to complete the tasks over a period of 6 months and submit your work to Info Hub.

You can register your interest with the School Librarian, Mdm Julie, over the counter or you can email the completed registration form to Download the form here.
All completed tasks have to be submitted by 18 September 2015.

** to achieve the awards under this category, you need to be above 14 years and skills have to be gained over a period of six months