Tuesday 5 May 2015

National Infocomm Competition Face-Off | Data Analytics

National Infocomm Competition Face-Off | Data Analytics
Towards a Smart Nation
As Singapore strives to become the world’s first smart nation, the city-state is abuzz with excitement on how smart technologies can improve our lives. The possibilities are endless. Which facets of the country should we focus on? We invite youths to contribute their views. Supported by data and facts, we want you to give ideas on how smart technologies can be used to make a real difference to the people who need them most.
Using a data analytics tool, you can uncover trends and show insights by visualizing data and proposing solutions.

SAP is partnering IDA to run the National Infocomm Competition Face-Off | Data Analytics – Young Thinkers Challenge in 2015. This challenge aims to spark the interest of youths in IT and inspire them to leverage data analytics to show insights and contribute ideas as Singapore strives towards becoming a SMART NATION.

This is an experiential learning to help youths understand the extraordinary revolution brought about by Big Data today and its impact on societies, businesses and everyday life. Additional learning resources on Big Data documentary and study guide can be provided upon request.

This competition is meant for all students regardless of their level of IT knowledge. Contestants do not need to have any programming knowledge to join. The analytics software is user-friendly and easy to learn. As long as they have a analytical mind and enjoy presenting their ideas backed with facts, students will do well in this competition.

Teams will register by end May and submit their entries by end June. Shortlisting process will take place in July/Aug before culminating in IDA’s National Infocomm Competition Face-Off in September 2015.

Hands-on training for students can be arranged. The 1st series has taken place duing March school holidays at the polytechnic campuses. 

Smart Nation video: A little girl's hopes for the future by IDA
More about Smart Nation 

Registration & Submission Information

Register here to participate in the Challenge!