Wednesday 23 January 2019

[S3, SS4] ACE@SST: Student-Initiated Service Learning Project 2019

Dear Sec 3 and Sec 4 students,

As announced at the Active Citizenship Education (ACE) Briefing today, if you are interested to initiate a student-initiated service learning project, please refer to the 2019 Student-Initiated Service Learning Project (Open Group) form for the criteria, guidelines and deadlines. Make a copy of this project proposal form.

Please take note of these key dates:

Some possible projects are:

  • Collaborating with a voluntary welfare organisation to continue advocating for the cause your OLE did as part of Sec 2 #SST-ACTvocates in 2018.
  • Organising a visit to the eldercare centre your class went to as part of Sec 3 post exam service learning week in 2018

If you will like to initiate a service learning project related to your CCA, please approach your CCA teachers as there is another procedure and form.

If you have any queries on student-initiated service learning project, please email Miss Madeleine Chew at

We look forward to your project proposals.
Thank you.