Monday 17 February 2020

2020 SASMO Registration

Dear Students

You are invited to take part in the Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympiad (SASMO) 2020 which will be held on the afternoon of 1 April 2020 (Wednesday) at SST. The exact time and location will be confirmed at a later date.

All S1-S4 students are eligible to sign up.
The competition fee is $20 and will be collected through Edusave.
If you do not have sufficient Edusave funds, it will be collected through GIRO.

Click HERE if you are keen to sign up.
The deadline for signing up will be 28 February 2020 (Friday) 5 p.m.
Due to the development of COVID-19 situation, more updates will be communicated via your school e-mail once you have signed up.

Should you have further questions, you can contact Mr Samuel Lee at