Monday 25 March 2024

谁是推理王报名 Who Is The One Registration


4月24日下午,你的机会来了!当天SST 会有案件发生,快来找出那个凶手吧!
这是去年活动的链接,,想知道今年又有什么离奇的案件发生,快填写表格报名吧!老师会发电邮通知学校,也请受到影响的同学自己提醒CCA 老师(占一个小时),谢谢!

Are you interested in participating in an immersive detective game called "Who Is the One" with your classmates? This year's "Who Is The One" is brought to life via a roving activity truck housing a fully equipped fictional crime scene. You will role-play as different characters to unearth clues, understand character motivations, and uncover the truth behind the mystery! Hurry up and fill out the form to sign up!
Please remind the CCA teacher yourself if your CCA is affected. Thank you!

Brought to you by the MTL Department.