Tuesday 1 October 2024

[S1, S2, S3] Block C Out of Bounds areas on 2 Oct, 7 Oct and 15 Oct

 Dear S1, S2 and S3 students,

  • Please be informed that the Secondary 4 students will be taking their GCE O-Level Science Practical Examination on 2 Oct (Wed)7 Oct (Mon) and 15 Oct (Tue).
  • The exam venues are Biology Labs and Chemistry Labs in Block C, Level 1. As such, the area outside these labs are Out of Bounds to ALL students. Do not walk into this area.
  • Other Out of Bounds areas in Block C are Level 2 (outside Phy Labs) and Level 3 (outside Lecture Theatre and Seminar Room).
  • In addition, 2 sets of staircase are also Out of Bounds. Please use the staircase next to the walkway to MPH or the staircase next to the canteen. See the layout of Block C Level 1 below.

If you come across areas OR staircases that are cordoned off, please take an alternative route.