Saturday 16 August 2014

[Sec 3 only] Sec 3 Public Survey and Educational Outreach 2014

Dear Sec 3 students,

During an assembly session that took place a month ago (14 July) , you were briefed on a 2-part Sec 3 cohort community project that comprises of a public education outreach to selected households in Southwest CDC and also a demographics survey on these households. In that session, you were also exposed to some communication strategies that could be employed when you engage the residents living in these households.

The service and learning objectives of the entire cohort project are:
  • to enable students to reach out to the less-privileged residents staying in Southwest CDC region by playing the role of ambassadors in educating the residents on health, safety and civic matters.
  • to enable students to conduct a demographics survey with the community, in which the collated data will be subsequently channeled to various VWOs/ NGOs for the planning of appropriate programmes based on the community needs.
  • to let students appreciate the inter-generational relationships and bonds that could be forged in the course of the project.

Please take note that based on the recommendations from Southwest CDC, it has been decided that the scale for the first run of this cohort project will be kept small, so as to allow us to pilot test the community service with a select group of volunteers.

Therefore, the first run of this cohort project (i.e. the educational outreach on the 23 August, Saturday) is only meant for selected classes: S3-02, S3-04 and S3-08 only. As for the other Sec 3 classes, they will be doing a similar community service (by class) after the End-of-Year exams in Term 4 (actual dates to be confirmed, but most probably on Saturdays).

The details of the first run of the project are as follows:

Date (Day): 23 August 2014 (Saturday)
Time: 0900-1500hrs
Reporting Venue: SST MPH (report at 0900hrs)
Participants: Students from S3-02, S3-04 and S3-08
Service Location: Rental blocks in Clementi
Attire: School Uniform

Students from S3-02, S3-04 and S3-08, kindly ensure that you have received a copy of the consent form for this community service from your class Service Learning reps. Reply slips are to be returned through your reps and back to Mr Seth Tan by next Monday, 18 August 2014.

For the above-mentioned classes, I will also be sending out a separate email on the 18 August (next Monday), the pre-service reflection Googleform for this community service.

Thank you and see you for the community service on the 23 August (0900-1500hrs)!

Mr Seth Tan
on behalf of the Youth Service Committtee