Thursday 4 December 2014

Call for Votes!

Dear Students,

Some of your peers have submitted entries to competitions. There is a voting component that involves social media. Do click the following links to vote for them! Feel free to forward this message to friends to encourage them to vote as well!

1) Science Castle Competition

Our students have submitted their 'Atmospheric Observation System' project for a Science Castle competition. To vote for them, visit the post (link below) and 'Like' the post. Voting makes up 10% of their total score.

Vote here:

2) Zaobao's "My Singapore Story"

In commemoration of SG50, Keming Tan, Benedict Wong and Sandy Khoo from S408 have submitted an entry for Zaobao’s “My Singapore Story” Micro Film Competition.

Do like and share their film via the link below:

Thank you for your support!

Warmest regards,
School of Science and Technology, Singapore.