Monday 5 February 2024

[All are invited!] DC Week - ARG (Alternate Reality Game) - House Points to be won!

 Dear students,

Welcome to Digital Citizenship Week 2024! DC Week is centered around Safer Internet Day and is organised annually in Singapore, to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology. If you wish to refer to this week’s schedule, you may refer to the slides here.

As mentioned in this morning’s opening presentation, an ARG (Alternate Reality Game) will take place over these five days, with five cybersecurity-related challenges in cryptography, steganography, and others.

In each challenge, you will have to find “flags” hidden in the platform and medium of the challenge in the form “FLAG{...}” that you can submit here to earn points for your house, as well as the entry point to the next challenge which will be in the form of website links.

You are strongly encouraged to work with your peers in teams of at most 4, regardless of your houses. However, if you wish to work alone, you may also do so. You may submit your teams in the same form as the flag submission form.

What can you do if you got stuck on a challenge?


Please note that you must refrain from distributing flags and challenge entry points among your peers from other teams or the same house. If caught, your and your team's submissions (if any) will be void. We trust that you will have the moral responsibility to participate in the ARG fairly and with sportsmanship. 

With that, we wish you all the best in completing the challenges. Here is the QR code and link to the first challenge:

Best regards,

Nikola Winata

DCB Chairperson

On behalf of the Digital Citizenship Board