Friday 27 October 2023

2023 ACE Interactions@Henderson x Church of our Saviour - Service Learning opportunities

Dear SST Family,

We are the Interactions@Henderson Team, a dedicated team of ACE Leaders who collaborate with the Church of our Saviour (COOS) to foster connections and organise activities for residents of Henderson, with a particular focus on the elderly, living in less fortunate circumstances. Joining us in this heartwarming initiative can have a positive impact on our community, while also allowing you to develop valuable life skills such as empathy and effective communication. Your involvement can help reduce loneliness and create lasting memories. You can become a source of joy, companionship, and warmth in the lives of these residents.

Building the Henderson Community Farm with Residents and Gardeners

The gardening activity will take place on 18 November, Sat, at one of the Blks in Henderson Multi Storey Carpark, from 7am to 10am. Please note that the timing is subject to confirmation closer to the date. In addition to participating in basic gardening tasks, you’ll have the opportunity to assist in designing and painting over 40 pots, which will be repurposed for gardening purposes. We will also pre-paint some of the pots before the main event on November 18th to maximise our productivity.

If you are interested in contributing to the creation of the Henderson Community Farm, we encourage you to complete this sign-up form. Please do so by 6 November 2023.

By engaging in this meaningful gardening activity, you’ll be directly connecting with the residents of Henderson, enriching their lives and yours. If you have any other enquiries, feel free to contact Ms Ng Hui Min at or any of our ACE leaders.

Warmest regards,

ACE Interactions@Henderson team