Dear 2016 Sec 1 students,
Welcome back to another session of online tutorial!
Online Note-taking
In this session, we are going to explore the use of online note-taking platforms. In particular, we will look at online stickies and mindmaps.
The two platforms that I will be introducing are Padlet ( and Lucidchart (
Introduction to Padlet
Padlet is a virtual wall that allows people to express their thoughts on a common topic easily. It works like an online sheet of paper where people can put any content (e.g. images, videos, documents, text) anywhere on the page, together with anyone, from any device.
Padlet allows Google App users to log in using their Gmail credentials.
As of January 2015, Padlet has premium versions that require subscriptions to use. In logging in, if you are prompted to upgrade to the paid version, just click of the "skip" link in the top-right hand corner.
Drag and drop. Auto save. It's software you already know how to use.
Instant collaboration
You can see everyone's activity on the padlet instantly. Bye bye page reloads.
Paste link to a youtube video? Check! Drag a word document from your computer? Check! Take a picture from your iPad camera? Check! A file in your drawer? Erm .. someday .. someday.
Paste link to a youtube video? Check! Drag a word document from your computer? Check! Take a picture from your iPad camera? Check! A file in your drawer? Erm .. someday .. someday.
Like flexibility? Use the free form layout. Like organization? Use streams (and don't look at our office desks).
ACTIVITY 1 - Generating ideas with padlet
1. Login to Padlet and fill up the information as shown below:- Enter the title "Digital Citizenship"
- Add the description: Let's put down, in each sticky, word/ phrases that crosses your mind when we talk about "Digital Citizenship"
- Choose an image as your portrait icon. Alternatively, you may upload your own image.
2. To post on the wall, place the mouse pointer at the space and double click.
A sticky will appear. You may start posting your thoughts. Generate as many as you could and attempt to organise them into broad categories (as shown).
3. Click at "Share" (on the right) and copy the HTML codes under "EMBED".
4. Login to your blog. Create a new post entitled "Digital Citizenship - Random Thoughts"
Switch the posting mode to "HTML" and paste the HTML codes there.

5. Switch back to "Compose" mode and the blog post should look like this:
6. Submit the link to the blog post Google Classroom.
Introduction to Lucidchart
Lucidchart is a web-based diagramming software which allows users to collaborate and work together in real time to create flowcharts, organisational charts, website wireframes, UML designs, mind maps, software prototypes, and many other diagram types.
Refer to for a quick guide to the key features of lucidchart.
Spend at least 10 minutes to pick up the basics.

Lucidchart can be upgraded to allow collaborative editing of a diagram, which is a feature only for the paid version. You will be glad that SST has already upgraded your account.
If for some reason, you are still not able to share your diagrams, follow the instructions for the free upgrade. Otherwise, go straight to Activity 2.
Visit and follow the 3-steps instructions.
Click at the big blue button that says "REQUEST MY UPGRADE".

1. Watch the following tutorial video to learn the basics of mind-mapping using Lucidchart:
2. Using the basic mind-mapping skills, generate a to-do list for the first day of school. Make sure the items are classified into at least 3 main categories.
3. Embed your mindmap in Google Doc template in Google Classroom. Use the Lucidchart addon that I have enabled for all students. The following video might be useful:
Check out for more information.
4. Turn in the work in Google Classroom.
That's it for Session 4. Look forward to our final instalment on creating Infographic!