Wednesday 21 March 2018

TWO Statistics-Related Activities

2018 Singapore Statistics Poster Competition 

The Department of Statistics and Applied Probability of NUS is organising the 2018 Singapore Statistics and Poster Competition. 

A statistics poster is a display that uses graphs to summarise data, presents different points of view and answers questions about the data. Through this competition, students are encouraged to address real-life questions using creative data displays. More information can be found here

This competition is open to all Sec 3 and 4 students. There is no registration fee. 

Students interested in taking part, please email Mr Chen at by 6 April 2018.

2018 Singapore Statistics Enrichment Camp

The Department of Statistics and Applied Probability of NUS is organising the 2018 Singapore Statistics Enrichment Camp on 28 May 2018.

During this camp, you will learn about how statistics can be applied to games, healthcare and many other areas. More information can be found here.

This camp is open to all Sec 3 and 4 students. Outstanding Sec 2 students can also apply. There is a registration fee of $30.

Students interested in taking part, please email Mr Chen at by 13 April 2018.