Monday 5 February 2018

Active Citizenship Education (ACE) Briefing Slides

Dear students, 

The briefing on Active Citizenship Education (ACE) was conducted during morning assembly today. Please refer to the ACE@SST briefing slides here

As shared during the briefing, 
1. Refer to ACE@SST Google Site for resources related to ACE. The link is also found on the left column of SST Student Blog. 

2. For volunteering opportunities, please refer to ACE@SST: Volunteering Opportunities link found on the left column of SST Student Blog or ACE Google Site. Please read the instructions.

3. [For Upper Secondary students only] 
If you are interested to initiate a service learning project, please refer to this Student-Initiated Service Learning Project Form Template (Open Group). Please read through the criteria, process, instructions, project deadlines and submission guidelines thoroughly before filling in the form. 

If you are interested to initiate a service learning project related to your CCA, please approach your CCA teachers in charge as a different form is required. 

4. Here are the emails of the teachers in charge of the various ACE programmes:

Sec 1 Basic Advocacy and Service Education:
Ms Sabrina Soh (

Sec 1 Overseas Learning Experience and
Sec 2 #SST ACT-vocates:
Ms Caroline Chua (

Sec 3 Service Learning Week:
Ms Sabrina Soh (

Sec 4 Flag Day:
Ms Madeleine Chew (

Student-Initiated Service Learning Project:
Ms Madeleine Chew (

Submission of service hours for LEAPS 2.0:
Ms Madeleine Chew (
Ms Wong Ho Yan (

NYAA Booklet (Service):
Mr Seth Tan (