Friday 26 February 2021

[For Sec 1 & Sec 2 Female Students Only] School-based HPV Vaccination Programme on 5 March 2021, Friday

Dear Sec 1 and Sec 2 Students (Female Students Only),

The Health Promotion Board (HPB) will be offering school-based HPV vaccination to female students in Sec 1 and Sec 2 (whose parents have given consent) on 5 March 2021, Friday.

For Sec 1 Students, parents have been informed via Parents Gateway and they have been advised to log-in to the HPB online portal ( using their SingPass to submit their consent for your vaccination. Please remind them to do so before the date of the vaccination.

Sec 2 Students would have received the first dose of the vaccination during Sec 1 last year (2020) and will be receiving the second dose of the vaccination.

Please refer to the schedule below and report punctually for the vaccination.   

Venue: Blk C, #05-09
5-Mar-210800 - 0840S1-01, S1-02, S1-03
 0840 - 0920S2-01, S2-02
 0920 - 1000S2-03, S2-04, S2-05
 1000 - 1040S2-06, S2-07, S2-08
 1040 - 1120S1-04, S1-05, S1-06
 1120 - 1140S1-07, S1-08

School of Science and Technology, Singapore