Wednesday 8 October 2014

Post Exam Learning Activities

Dear Students,

The school has organised a variety of year-end post examination learning activities.

Note that you are expected to participate for all activities (except for valid medical reasons. Other reasons will be strictly on a case-by-case basis).

You are to report to school daily as per normal and will be dismissed from SST at the end of each day.
  • Please refer to the post-exam activities schedule on the student page for the most updated information and assembly venue.
  • Please bring your writing materials.
  • Remember to bring your LD's and chargers for the ICT Workshop (Games Salad).
  • FT’s will take attendance every morning.
  • Take ownership of your learning.
  • Restore the venues to original state.
  • Dress appropriately, especially if out of school.
  • Note the long hours and missing recess on some days.
  • Expect some canteen stalls to close. (You may wish to bring some packed food from home).
  • Expect “flexi-hours” and other changes.

Thank you.
Mr. Patrick Hiap & Ms. Andrea Koh